PART 12 - Simplified declaration of conformity

The simplified declaration of conformity referred to in Article 14(3) shall be provided as follows:

—[Name of manufacturer] hereby declares that the UAS[identification of the UAS: type or serial number] is of class … …[for UAS include the class number of the product as defined in Parts 1 to 5, 16 or 17 of this Annex; for a kit of accessories, indicate the class into which the UAS is converted] and has a guaranteed sound power level of …. dB(A)[for non fixed-wing UAS classes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only]

— and in compliance with Regulations …[list all the Regulations that the product complies with].

— The full [...] declaration of conformity is accessible at the following website: [website address]